Okay, this is my first blog - so excited to make this a reality! I'm an aspiring writer and wanted to create a mechanism to build my proficiency in writing as well as post excerpts of my work for feedback. I've started my first novel (memoir, actually) and hope to connect with other writers or those in the creative community (whether it be performing arts, acting, directing, publishing, singing, song writing, etc.).
To me, personally, writing is a foundation of creativity and it energizes me. It is a way to record thoughts, dreams and memories. I can go back and re-live what I've written - I can change it if I don't like it. Writing also connects me to my second passion: music. Music and lyrics can be a soundtrack for life. Certain songs allow me to re-live specific moments in my life - I can take a "mental vacation" when I'm plugged into my iPod. I can also be inspired to write more when I listen to music.
Writing is an important part of who I am - sometimes I'm inspired to write a lot and my typing has a mind of its own. Other times, I will experience a "block" and need a way to channel my thoughts to pick it up again. Hence the name "Writer's Block" as the title for this blog. It has double-meaning for me: I may blog when I need to be inspired because I have writer's block - or, I may blog to generate others to comment/post their thoughts if they're experiencing the same. It could turn into a "block party" (okay, now I'm being silly).
I'm new at blogging, so bear with me. I'll try not to be boring and ramble (well, I can't promise that). I'm looking forward to meeting new people out there who share my passion!